Cord Blood is the First Gift Given to the Baby

What is Cord Blood? How Does It Protect Your Family? Why should it be stored? The Answer is Here:

Why should I keep it?

Up to 113 diseases can be treated with cord blood and there have been over 40,000 successful transplants worldwide.

Why Babylife?

While 90% of the major blood banks in the world and 75% of all cord blood banks in Europe use the BioArchive® system, Babylife Cord Blood Bank is the only bank in Turkey to offer the BioArchive® system.

Recording and Storage Procedure

We have summarized the procedure in 11 points so that you can easily visualize the entire process of cord blood collection.

Today, over 113 diseases can be treated with cord blood.


Leukemia is a type of cancer in which blood cells in the bone marrow grow abnormally and do not mature. These abnormal cells replace normal blood cells, affect blood production and can lead to serious health problems in the body. Leukemia is divided into two main types, acute and chronic, and treatment usually involves chemotherapy, radiotherapy and bone marrow or stem cell transplants.

Tumors outside the Blood and Immune System

Non-blood and non-immune tumors are cancers in which tissues grow abnormally in the body. These tumors can occur in different organs, tissues or systems. Depending on the type and stage of the tumor, treatment options may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapies and immunotherapy.


Lymphomas are cancers that arise from white blood cells called lymphocytes. These cancers occur in the lymphoid system, such as the lymph nodes, spleen and other lymphoid tissues. Lymphomas are divided into two main types, Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Depending on the type and stage of the tumor, treatment may include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted drugs.

Inherited Disorders Affecting the Immune System and Other Organs

Inherited disorders affecting the immune system and other organs are diseases that affect the immune system and other systems of the body based on genetic causes. Such disorders can lead to an inability of the immune system to function normally, leading to recurrent infections and other health problems. Examples include immunodeficiency syndromes, autoimmune diseases and rare genetic syndromes. These disorders can vary in the way they are inherited and the specific symptoms.

Inherited Metabolic Disorders

Inherited metabolic disorders are diseases of genetic origin that affect the body's normal metabolic processes. Such disorders lead to an inability to process molecules in the body normally, usually due to an enzyme deficiency or dysfunction. This can lead to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body and cause health problems. Examples include inherited metabolic disorders such as phenylketonuria, galactosemia and sickle cell anemia. These disorders include conditions that can be passed on genetically and require treatment.

Other Disorders of Blood Cell Proliferation

Other disorders of blood cell proliferation refer to diseases in which blood cells in the body are overproduced or underproduced. Examples include polycythemia (overproduction of red blood cells), leukemias (abnormal blood cell production), myelodysplastic syndrome (immature production of blood cells), aplastic anemia (deficiency in the production of blood cells) and myeloproliferative disorders. These disorders can disrupt the normal balance of blood cells, causing health problems and requiring treatment.

Why should I keep it? Leave your contact details and we will call you

Babylife Cord Blood Bank and Cell-Tissue Production Center Transplants

1 2018/05/25 Brother Private Medicalpark Antalya Hospital Thalassemia Major
2 2018/07/09 Brother Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Fanconi Aplastic Anemia
3 2018/10/15 Brother Ege University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Immunodeficiency
4 2019/02/21 Brother Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital Thalassemia Major
5 2019/02/05 Brother Ege University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Thalassemia Major
6 2019/09/09 Brother Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Relapse ALL
7 2019/09/25 Brother Private Medicalpark Antalya Hospital JMML
8 2019/11/26 Brother Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital Thalassemia
9 2019/12/09 Brother Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Congenital Neutropenia
10 2020/02/26 Brother Ege University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Immunodeficiency
11 2021/02/08 Brother
Thalassemia Major
12 2021/02/21 Brother
13 2021/05/03 Brother Private Medicalpark Antalya Hospital Thalassemia Major