About Us

Babylife is a joint stock company established in Turkey and is the only company authorized to install Thermogenesis systems in Turkey, which are equipped with the most modern technology in the world and currently hold 80% of the world market. Both autologous and allogeneic cord blood storage is a very serious, long-term and open to abuse.

In the 10 years prior to opening its own cord blood bank, Babylife increased its experience and knowledge in allogeneic and autologous cord blood banking by collaborating with Ege University Faculty of Medicine and Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine in the establishment and maintenance of cord blood banks.

In parallel with the developments in stem cell and cellular therapies, Babylife continues its routine and research activities successfully in its 120 m2 GMP laboratory in Akdeniz University Technopolis campus with its identity as "Human Cell and Tissue Production Center" as well as cord blood banking.

Our Vision / Mission

Our Vision

Cord Blood Banking is carried out at the highest scientific and institutional level, at the highest technology and standards, within the legal framework, in a reliable and reputable manner within the country and in the international arena.


Our Mission

Presenting the positive aspects of Cord Blood Storage in the long and short term to the country and the scientific world.

Our Quality Policy